Saturday, February 6, 2010

Awkward Sleep Ramblings

Have you ever had a roommate or significant other that talked in their sleep?  It can be really funny, it can be awkward and it can be downright scary sometimes!  Awkward Sleep Ramblings is a place for you to record all this weirdness and laugh at others unfortunate mutterings.

Although many of the odd things people say when sleeping tend to make no sense whatsoever, many of them are hilarious!  Have you ever tried talking back to someone who is sleep-talking? Sometimes you get nothing, but often you can have a whole, very odd conversation that the talker will probably not recall at all, upon awakening, LOL. If my significant other did this, I'd be recording them!  

Awkward Sleep Ramblings makes a good place to read too (perhaps when you have insomnia?!) if you aren't fortunate to sleep near one of these strange people of your own.  Go see!