Monday, December 14, 2009

Eternal Moonwalk

Do you still miss Michael Jackson and his moonwalking ways?  We do.  Eternal Moonwalk is a site that lets us remember the good.  Beginning with MJ himself, Eternal Moonwalk loops together clips from all over the world of everyone doing - ready for it? - MJ's Moonwalk!

That's it. It is surprisingly fun to watch everyone from little kids to grandmas trying to master the moonwalk, it sucks you right in an you'll look up an hour later to find you've totally missed Ugly Betty or whatever show you were just killing time waiting for!  Not that we'd watch Ugly Betty... not us.

Eternal Moonwalk is fun and mindless, it reminds us that no matter what MJ was accused of in his lifetime, he was still The King of Pop and the only one who could really moonwalk looking natural, and so we love it and we're thrilled someone came up with this great idea!  Got a problem with that, Betty?

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