Thursday, December 17, 2009

11 Points

We read a lot of blogs, it's just something that goes with the internet.  Some are great, some are boring as hell, most fall somewhere in between.  11 Points is somewhere in the middle.  Because top 10 lists are for cowards, 11 Points is a series of well, 11 points on various, random subjects.

When he feels like it, the author randomly chooses a subject like the 11 most bad ass jews in history (for Hanukkah!), the 11 most drunken presidents, 11 firsts in internet history, 11 obscure taco bell facts - well, you get the idea.

11 Points is often witty and topical.  We enjoy it.  So go see.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Got a question?  Need to make a decision?  Check out the hunch website.  Using a mysterious algorithm, hunch asks a series of questions to help you decide.  You can choose from from many topics or categories to start your search for wisdom or you can plug any word into the search bar to help you navigate towards enlightenment.  Hunch does not play favorites, so be sure you want to know before you ask - it remembers your questions and answers from the past, when you visit, to steer you to decisions based on your past inquiries.  Kinda creepy! 

Visit hunch and let us know what you think using the contact email address shown on the right of this page.  Really, we wanna know how it did for you.  Just ask hunch

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Barbie Diversification - Loanne Hizo Ostlie

Remember Barbie, the blond, blue-eyed, impossibly proportioned fashion icon?  Yeah, she's still out there and going strong.  We loved her as kids but often wondered why there wasn't more of a selection of barbies.  I mean, you grow up meeting lots of different people, with different skin tones, different languages, different hair, different clothes.

Loanee Hizo Ostile obviously had these same thoughts, at some point.  She is an incredibly talented artist and has a website here.  Taking generic barbies, she adds new hair, repaints the faces and/or bodies and dresses her creations in stunning clothing or costumes.  She then sells her creations on ebay and through other sources.

When you go to her website, click on the gallery link at the top of the page to view many of her past creations, including Harry Potter versions, the UPS guy, your local policeman, little babies and even families!  We couldn't find one that wasn't amazing!  They aren't cheap but hey are one-of-a-kind and would make a really special gift!  Go check them out!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Eternal Moonwalk

Do you still miss Michael Jackson and his moonwalking ways?  We do.  Eternal Moonwalk is a site that lets us remember the good.  Beginning with MJ himself, Eternal Moonwalk loops together clips from all over the world of everyone doing - ready for it? - MJ's Moonwalk!

That's it. It is surprisingly fun to watch everyone from little kids to grandmas trying to master the moonwalk, it sucks you right in an you'll look up an hour later to find you've totally missed Ugly Betty or whatever show you were just killing time waiting for!  Not that we'd watch Ugly Betty... not us.

Eternal Moonwalk is fun and mindless, it reminds us that no matter what MJ was accused of in his lifetime, he was still The King of Pop and the only one who could really moonwalk looking natural, and so we love it and we're thrilled someone came up with this great idea!  Got a problem with that, Betty?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pizza is My Girlfriend - Who wouldn't date pizza?

Pizza is My Girlfriend is a marvelous blog that doesn't waste your time - no stories, no babble, no introductory paragraphs, no sir, not here.  This blog simply posts one picture of pizza in all it's many yummy forms, each and every day. Yep, thats it.

Warning:  Viewing this site on an empty stomach is almost guaranteed to make you ravenous!  It's much more fun to view Pizza is My Girlfriend while you are eating.... pizza would be a good choice, obviously!  Even Obama loves pizza!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Uncooked Greeting Cards

We don't really care for 'normal' type greeting cards (and we like e-cards even less!).  That's why we bring you the glorious site of Uncooked Greeting Cards.  Need a special card for that new guy that has your heart all a'flutter?  Uncooked has it.... and it won't be a frilly, sloppy, gushy sorta card either.  Have an Auntie that annoys the snot out of you - but you positively *must* send a holiday greeting or else your mother will harp on your ass for the next thousand years?  Uncooked has a great selection that will be quite suitable!  Take a gander and you will see!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Not Always Right - Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes

Not Always Right is a collection of amusing, confusing and sometimes downright obnoxious experiences from those who serve in retail, service or other public-interaction positions.  Although the quote 'the customer is always right' is often slung about by irate purchasers, it is in fact, not correct.  The customer is often disgustingly, enormously wrong.  Not Always Right gives hundreds of glaring examples of what a cashier at Wally-World gets served up everyday.  Geeks, be sure to check the tech support stories for glorious tales of dumb-ass user errors!
Not Always Right is great revenge for all you retail slaves!  The rest of you will find it pretty snicker-worthy too.