Saturday, February 6, 2010

Awkward Sleep Ramblings

Have you ever had a roommate or significant other that talked in their sleep?  It can be really funny, it can be awkward and it can be downright scary sometimes!  Awkward Sleep Ramblings is a place for you to record all this weirdness and laugh at others unfortunate mutterings.

Although many of the odd things people say when sleeping tend to make no sense whatsoever, many of them are hilarious!  Have you ever tried talking back to someone who is sleep-talking? Sometimes you get nothing, but often you can have a whole, very odd conversation that the talker will probably not recall at all, upon awakening, LOL. If my significant other did this, I'd be recording them!  

Awkward Sleep Ramblings makes a good place to read too (perhaps when you have insomnia?!) if you aren't fortunate to sleep near one of these strange people of your own.  Go see!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

E-Mails from an Asshole

e-mails from an asshole

Have you ever placed an ad on Craigslist or Freecycle and a got an odd reply?  Or a seemingly normal inquiry that then turned into an odd, stalker type situation? 

E-Mails from an Asshole is a site dedicated to freaking people out.  The guy takes normal looking ads and replies to them in, well - an asshole kinda way.  Sort of hard to explain, but terribly funny to read!  Some people will exchange emails with this guy for a quite awhile, before they lose their cool, some think they must be misunderstanding him, some just freak right out, LOL.  It's not polite, it's not nice but it is damned funny. 

You *will* enjoy reading these exchanges.... and I bet you will be much more careful, next time you post or reply to an ad!  Go see!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Let's Say Thanks

Let's Say Thanks is a wonderful lil website that allows us in the US to send a card to one of our many troops out there, standing up and helping preserve our freedom.  They will send a free, printed postcard of your choice to show your support & appreciation for all they do. 

It's a small thing but it means so much to those guys to receive something from a stranger, saying 'thank you' and getting a little recognition.  They have one of the hardest jobs in the world, they do without their families, they do without a whole lot of necessities in fact.  It is because they are willing to stand for our country that we remain free! 

It doesn't cost you anything - it's FREE.  You don't have to support the war or the president - but you *should* support our troops.  If you aren't willing to support those who will fight for your freedoms, feel free to stand in front of them!!

If we all send just one card, it would be a huge boost for so many soliders!  You can spare a minute of your time, right?  Go here:  Let's Say Thanks!

Passive-Aggressive Notes

This site is one of our favorites!  It's been around for awhile now but if you have not visited, you are in for a treat.  You know all those little posted signs around the office?  Like "Your Mom doesn't work here, please wash your own dishes!" and the many variations of 'please be neat & wipe the seat' or 'thanks for stealing my kids science project in the fridge!'  Passive-Aggressive Notes has them all!  And so very many you have never seen before, as well! 

Be sure to check out the 'Greatest Hits' section (on the right) if you've not been there before.  Some of these you may steal for yourself, LOL

And yeah, you're welcome!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA

Have you ever wondered what will happen to your beloved pet when the rapture occurs?  Who will feed Fluffy or give Fido his doggy painkillers for his arthritic knees when you're gone to sit beside Jesus, huh?

Luckily for you, some atheists have a heart!  And they've started a much needed service.   They know they will be left behind when the rapture happens, just like your pets!  So they are offering to take care of the pets you've suddenly abandoned to travel on up to heaven.  Eternal Earth-bound Pets, USA offers a 10-year, renewable contract for dogs, cats & other small animals (a few states also have coverage for horses, goats & the like).  As the company grows, more animals may be included.  First pet is $110, $15 for each additional pet in the same household.  Totally legit!!  Go see them and get your rock-bottom start up prices now!

Make sure to check out the FAQs and the contract/payment pages too.  Paypal is available!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Magic Wand Remote Control

This looks like such *fun*!!  Looks like it was stolen from 'Harry Potter'  himself, but it's actually a spiffy remote control!  One that will let you (with the appropriate swish or wiggle) change channels, adjust the volume, etc. on TVs, cable boxes, stereos - up to 13 items at a time!  Can you imagine the awe if you used this around a small child who still believes in wizards?  Not to mention the gazzillions of Potter fans out there that just must have anything & everything wizardy. We found The Magic Wand Remote at (where it is currently sold-out) but assume it must be out there elsewhere on the net as well.

The price tag of nearly $70 USD is the only reason we don't have one yet... but we would, if you people would click a few ads on this page! ::hint::  We can think of at least three people who would enjoy this, even with no kids to amaze.  The Wand is on our wish list!! 

Very Demotivational Posters

You know those motivational posters hanging around offices everywhere, trying to make you feel like everyone but you looks at the sunny side of life?  The ones that try to 'motivate' you into being a team-player with the rest of the douches you work with? We hate them!

That's why we luv this site: offers the same sort of posters, but oh so much more true to life.  There is even one with a *naked* Dr. Gregory House!  Dude!  Where does he keep his Vicodins?  Sorry - you'll have to discover where it is on your own!

VeryDemotivational tells it like it really is!  Great for killing time at work (when the boss isn't looking!) or for snagging for random internet board posts.  You can even make your own poster, using their builder tool.  Go ahead, give it try!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Paint Your Cat... Unbelieveable!

Have you ever had the thought 'Gee, I bet that pussy would look so very cool in neon blue?' No?  Well, neither have we.  But this site shows us the error of our ways!

Paint your cat is full of, well, painted pussys!  Yep.  We can't imagine either of our boys letting us do this to them, but the world is full of less prissy type kitties, I guess.  Some are quite pretty all dolled up like french hookers.  The site is actually Hyd-Masti, which is filled with bunches of odd & fun little things to look at.  We just like the painted cats best. 

The page is really homage the book called (you can guess this, right?) WHY PAINT CATS by Burton Silver and Heather Busch.  Some of the pics look seriously photo-shopped but we are assured they are actually real painted cats.  The book is available via Amazon, if you'd like to see more than what is offered here.

Wish they would have included 'how-to' pics as well.... cause our kitties might like a change of 'do now & then, once they gave it a try!  But I guess we'll never know now... ::le sigh::

Justin (shitmydadsays) on Twitter

We took a month off for Christmas, you got a problem with that?  Take it up with Santa!  So we are back and have discovered Twitter!  Surely you've heard about this new phenomenon?  People broadcast to the whole world their current thoughts.... in 140 characters or less!  Ok, it's not all that new but if you've never read Justin's tweets, you are missing out.

Justin(shitmydadsays) tweets are *hysterical*.  He simply adds tweets as his father goes about his day, spinning wisdom and shouting odd obscenities about Justin, the world and stupid people in general.  His father is old school cool, peeps, and you will adore what the man has to say, I promise.  You don't even have to login to Twitter to read them, so bookmark this site even if you are a twit prone to tweeting. There are, of course, lots of other people on Twitter, famous ones even... but so far, we luv Justin's Dad best!