Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Justin (shitmydadsays) on Twitter

We took a month off for Christmas, you got a problem with that?  Take it up with Santa!  So we are back and have discovered Twitter!  Surely you've heard about this new phenomenon?  People broadcast to the whole world their current thoughts.... in 140 characters or less!  Ok, it's not all that new but if you've never read Justin's tweets, you are missing out.

Justin(shitmydadsays) tweets are *hysterical*.  He simply adds tweets as his father goes about his day, spinning wisdom and shouting odd obscenities about Justin, the world and stupid people in general.  His father is old school cool, peeps, and you will adore what the man has to say, I promise.  You don't even have to login to Twitter to read them, so bookmark this site even if you are a twit prone to tweeting. There are, of course, lots of other people on Twitter, famous ones even... but so far, we luv Justin's Dad best!

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