Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA

Have you ever wondered what will happen to your beloved pet when the rapture occurs?  Who will feed Fluffy or give Fido his doggy painkillers for his arthritic knees when you're gone to sit beside Jesus, huh?

Luckily for you, some atheists have a heart!  And they've started a much needed service.   They know they will be left behind when the rapture happens, just like your pets!  So they are offering to take care of the pets you've suddenly abandoned to travel on up to heaven.  Eternal Earth-bound Pets, USA offers a 10-year, renewable contract for dogs, cats & other small animals (a few states also have coverage for horses, goats & the like).  As the company grows, more animals may be included.  First pet is $110, $15 for each additional pet in the same household.  Totally legit!!  Go see them and get your rock-bottom start up prices now!

Make sure to check out the FAQs and the contract/payment pages too.  Paypal is available!

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