Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Paint Your Cat... Unbelieveable!

Have you ever had the thought 'Gee, I bet that pussy would look so very cool in neon blue?' No?  Well, neither have we.  But this site shows us the error of our ways!

Paint your cat is full of, well, painted pussys!  Yep.  We can't imagine either of our boys letting us do this to them, but the world is full of less prissy type kitties, I guess.  Some are quite pretty all dolled up like french hookers.  The site is actually Hyd-Masti, which is filled with bunches of odd & fun little things to look at.  We just like the painted cats best. 

The page is really homage the book called (you can guess this, right?) WHY PAINT CATS by Burton Silver and Heather Busch.  Some of the pics look seriously photo-shopped but we are assured they are actually real painted cats.  The book is available via Amazon, if you'd like to see more than what is offered here.

Wish they would have included 'how-to' pics as well.... cause our kitties might like a change of 'do now & then, once they gave it a try!  But I guess we'll never know now... ::le sigh::

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