Friday, January 22, 2010

Let's Say Thanks

Let's Say Thanks is a wonderful lil website that allows us in the US to send a card to one of our many troops out there, standing up and helping preserve our freedom.  They will send a free, printed postcard of your choice to show your support & appreciation for all they do. 

It's a small thing but it means so much to those guys to receive something from a stranger, saying 'thank you' and getting a little recognition.  They have one of the hardest jobs in the world, they do without their families, they do without a whole lot of necessities in fact.  It is because they are willing to stand for our country that we remain free! 

It doesn't cost you anything - it's FREE.  You don't have to support the war or the president - but you *should* support our troops.  If you aren't willing to support those who will fight for your freedoms, feel free to stand in front of them!!

If we all send just one card, it would be a huge boost for so many soliders!  You can spare a minute of your time, right?  Go here:  Let's Say Thanks!

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