Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Very Demotivational Posters

You know those motivational posters hanging around offices everywhere, trying to make you feel like everyone but you looks at the sunny side of life?  The ones that try to 'motivate' you into being a team-player with the rest of the douches you work with? We hate them!

That's why we luv this site: offers the same sort of posters, but oh so much more true to life.  There is even one with a *naked* Dr. Gregory House!  Dude!  Where does he keep his Vicodins?  Sorry - you'll have to discover where it is on your own!

VeryDemotivational tells it like it really is!  Great for killing time at work (when the boss isn't looking!) or for snagging for random internet board posts.  You can even make your own poster, using their builder tool.  Go ahead, give it try!

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