Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Etiquette Hell

Do you remember your Mother badgering you to 'mind your manners'!?  Etiquette Hell is a gloriously snooty site that catalogs all the disgusting results of most of those lessons going unheeded (poor Mom).  Special categories abound at Etiquette Hell (because we're all just heathens!) and you can expect hours and hours of entertainment or horror - depending on which side of the fence you are on.  Bridezillas and their Mothers are here, as well as all the embarrassing branches of any family you could think of.  Rude coworkers, merchants from retail hell, funeral faux-pas, dating disasters and road rage are all included at EH.

Do share Etiquette Hell with your Mama and let her bask in her righteousness!  It'll keep her busy, while you are off doing God knows what with God knows whom, just like she always feared!

Beware should you write the mistress of this site.  She will expect proper grammar!

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