Saturday, November 14, 2009

This is Why You're Fat!

This is Why You're Fat is a site dedicated to gastronomic excess!  A feast for the eyes, just looking at this site is going to raise your cholesterol levels.  Who knew that there were people out there looking for a way to increase your fat & calorie intake!  Deep fried, chocolate covered, bacony goodness abounds here.  This is Why You're Fat does not discriminate - all manner of gluttony is welcome.  Do people really eat this stuff?  It appears so! You are invited to submit your own photos of why you are fat meals.  They've even collected enough for a book!

From Duck Foie Gras to Breakfast Sushi to Deep Fried Pork Rinds (really?!) to Deep Fried Moon Pies on a stick, you are bound to find something that makes you say "Hmmm... I just might have to try that!"  Warning:  Do not visit here if you are even a littttle bit hungry.  I'm just sayin.

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