Tuesday, November 24, 2009

FML: The Guts to Spill the Beans

“Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.” - Drew Carey

Fmylife.com is a weird and wonderful addition to the web.  They say so themselves.  Fortunately for them, this happens to be true.  Using stories (submitted by readers - thats YOU) that all begin with 'Today' and end with 'FML'.  If you don't know what FML stands for already, then this site is not for you.  There are no glittery graphics, no sparkly do-dads for your entertainment... sorry.  They don't even have a shiny logo. If you can read and have just a tiny smidget of wit though, you will love this site, I promise.

FML offers tops & flops lists too, especially entertaining reading if you haven't been there before and strangely comforting for those of us looking to share the various stories.  You also get the thrill of deciding if the story teller deserved his fate and confirm that yes, his life is total shit.

If nothing else, you should visit FML cause almost everyone else already has.  A bit out of the loop, are you?

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