Tuesday, November 3, 2009

People of Walmart!

The 'People of Walmart' site is not nice.  It's not supposed to be.  They make fun of others and we all know our mother would not approve.  But.... it is funny!  It'll make you feel less self-conscious the next time you run in 'just for milk' even though your hair is ratty and the sweats you're wearing haven't been washed this week....

'People of Walmart' is a 'make fun of all the strange people who shop at Walmart' kinda site.  It will not help us find world peace or a solution to global warming.  But it is a good way to kill time while you're waiting on the boss to come back from lunch or while half-listening in on that next conference call.  People really do dress funny shopping at Walmart, don't they?  Let us know if you spot a relative in there.  New pics are posted daily!

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