Monday, November 30, 2009

Fresh Balls:: So Fresh, So Dry

Fresh Balls is the first and only antiperspirant for your boys… It’s Aluminum Free, Paraben Free and Talc Free. It contains Oatmeal as an anti-irritant and Tea Tree Oil – so it’s anti-bacterial as well.

A gentleman named Frank Brooks invented Fresh Balls for one reason... (actually two).  He suffers from sweaty testicles.  So he gathered a bunch of chemists and created this cream.  That he named it 'Fresh Balls' gets him points in our book.  

This product is real, I swear.  $14.99 each, with shipping included.  There is a discount of $2 off each, when you order more than 5 tubes.

Just doing our little bit to improve the boys out there!  Junk in your package is icky, no matter who you are.  We can think of more than one guy who could benefit from this.  Think Christmas gifts, people!  We are here to help.

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