Sunday, November 29, 2009

Morons with Signs

Morons with Signs is a delious delight of a blog.  Who can resist a blog filled with pictures of morons with signs!?  I dare you.

Right or left, this site does not discriminate.  Pro-choice, pro-God, pro-constitution... well, you get the idea.  Morons come in all flavors, shapes & sizes.  They also have different religions and violently opposing political views.  Morons with Signs celebrates them all. 

Like the blog's creator, we believe dissent is the highest form of patriotism.  It's also an opportunity for michevious imps to sneak in with their own signage in disagreement with the morons with signs.  You'll often notice this in the pictures offered here.  That is why this site can be so incredibly satisfying. 

I love America!

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