Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ugliest Tattoos: A Gallery of Regrets was the site we went to when our oldest spawn started getting ink, hoping it would discourage her.  It did not help.  But it did make us realize the small tats she has should not concern us, considering what others out there do to themselves.  Here is a little unsolicited advice: Pretty, small and easily hidden are rules one should stick to when getting ink, at least until you are over 25.  Unless you work for the circus.  Trust us.

These days we go to Ugliest Tattoos just to amuse ourselves and feel superior. We've seen lots and lots of *really beautiful* tattoos.  We know there are artists out there and canvasses that are stunning.  This site is not that.  Really, what the hell are these people thinking?  My God, we're going to be needing medication just to keep us from freaking the hell out in the nursing home with these walking, distorted billboards of distaste. We must ask why?  Why!? 

Visit Ugliest Tattoos: A Gallery of Regrets and feel superior.  We do!

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