Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Internet Archive Wayback Machine

The Internet Archive was founded back in 1996 to build an internet 'library' of digital media. There are over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago.  What this means is, you go on over to their site Internet Archive: Wayback Machine, you type in a net address (such as, hit the 'take me back' button and you get a list of all the previous pages stored at the internet archive, by date, by month, by year! 

You can see what pages looked like when the first started and the progessive changes, year to year, for any site (exclusions apply; see the faqs for details). One of the faqs suggest checking out 1999 pages and all the Y2K hype that was out there then.  It's really rather amazing! 

Web crawlers make this page possible.  Isn't technology grand?

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