Thursday, December 17, 2009

11 Points

We read a lot of blogs, it's just something that goes with the internet.  Some are great, some are boring as hell, most fall somewhere in between.  11 Points is somewhere in the middle.  Because top 10 lists are for cowards, 11 Points is a series of well, 11 points on various, random subjects.

When he feels like it, the author randomly chooses a subject like the 11 most bad ass jews in history (for Hanukkah!), the 11 most drunken presidents, 11 firsts in internet history, 11 obscure taco bell facts - well, you get the idea.

11 Points is often witty and topical.  We enjoy it.  So go see.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Got a question?  Need to make a decision?  Check out the hunch website.  Using a mysterious algorithm, hunch asks a series of questions to help you decide.  You can choose from from many topics or categories to start your search for wisdom or you can plug any word into the search bar to help you navigate towards enlightenment.  Hunch does not play favorites, so be sure you want to know before you ask - it remembers your questions and answers from the past, when you visit, to steer you to decisions based on your past inquiries.  Kinda creepy! 

Visit hunch and let us know what you think using the contact email address shown on the right of this page.  Really, we wanna know how it did for you.  Just ask hunch

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Barbie Diversification - Loanne Hizo Ostlie

Remember Barbie, the blond, blue-eyed, impossibly proportioned fashion icon?  Yeah, she's still out there and going strong.  We loved her as kids but often wondered why there wasn't more of a selection of barbies.  I mean, you grow up meeting lots of different people, with different skin tones, different languages, different hair, different clothes.

Loanee Hizo Ostile obviously had these same thoughts, at some point.  She is an incredibly talented artist and has a website here.  Taking generic barbies, she adds new hair, repaints the faces and/or bodies and dresses her creations in stunning clothing or costumes.  She then sells her creations on ebay and through other sources.

When you go to her website, click on the gallery link at the top of the page to view many of her past creations, including Harry Potter versions, the UPS guy, your local policeman, little babies and even families!  We couldn't find one that wasn't amazing!  They aren't cheap but hey are one-of-a-kind and would make a really special gift!  Go check them out!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Eternal Moonwalk

Do you still miss Michael Jackson and his moonwalking ways?  We do.  Eternal Moonwalk is a site that lets us remember the good.  Beginning with MJ himself, Eternal Moonwalk loops together clips from all over the world of everyone doing - ready for it? - MJ's Moonwalk!

That's it. It is surprisingly fun to watch everyone from little kids to grandmas trying to master the moonwalk, it sucks you right in an you'll look up an hour later to find you've totally missed Ugly Betty or whatever show you were just killing time waiting for!  Not that we'd watch Ugly Betty... not us.

Eternal Moonwalk is fun and mindless, it reminds us that no matter what MJ was accused of in his lifetime, he was still The King of Pop and the only one who could really moonwalk looking natural, and so we love it and we're thrilled someone came up with this great idea!  Got a problem with that, Betty?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pizza is My Girlfriend - Who wouldn't date pizza?

Pizza is My Girlfriend is a marvelous blog that doesn't waste your time - no stories, no babble, no introductory paragraphs, no sir, not here.  This blog simply posts one picture of pizza in all it's many yummy forms, each and every day. Yep, thats it.

Warning:  Viewing this site on an empty stomach is almost guaranteed to make you ravenous!  It's much more fun to view Pizza is My Girlfriend while you are eating.... pizza would be a good choice, obviously!  Even Obama loves pizza!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Uncooked Greeting Cards

We don't really care for 'normal' type greeting cards (and we like e-cards even less!).  That's why we bring you the glorious site of Uncooked Greeting Cards.  Need a special card for that new guy that has your heart all a'flutter?  Uncooked has it.... and it won't be a frilly, sloppy, gushy sorta card either.  Have an Auntie that annoys the snot out of you - but you positively *must* send a holiday greeting or else your mother will harp on your ass for the next thousand years?  Uncooked has a great selection that will be quite suitable!  Take a gander and you will see!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Not Always Right - Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes

Not Always Right is a collection of amusing, confusing and sometimes downright obnoxious experiences from those who serve in retail, service or other public-interaction positions.  Although the quote 'the customer is always right' is often slung about by irate purchasers, it is in fact, not correct.  The customer is often disgustingly, enormously wrong.  Not Always Right gives hundreds of glaring examples of what a cashier at Wally-World gets served up everyday.  Geeks, be sure to check the tech support stories for glorious tales of dumb-ass user errors!
Not Always Right is great revenge for all you retail slaves!  The rest of you will find it pretty snicker-worthy too. 

Monday, November 30, 2009

Fresh Balls:: So Fresh, So Dry

Fresh Balls is the first and only antiperspirant for your boys… It’s Aluminum Free, Paraben Free and Talc Free. It contains Oatmeal as an anti-irritant and Tea Tree Oil – so it’s anti-bacterial as well.

A gentleman named Frank Brooks invented Fresh Balls for one reason... (actually two).  He suffers from sweaty testicles.  So he gathered a bunch of chemists and created this cream.  That he named it 'Fresh Balls' gets him points in our book.  

This product is real, I swear.  $14.99 each, with shipping included.  There is a discount of $2 off each, when you order more than 5 tubes.

Just doing our little bit to improve the boys out there!  Junk in your package is icky, no matter who you are.  We can think of more than one guy who could benefit from this.  Think Christmas gifts, people!  We are here to help.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Morons with Signs

Morons with Signs is a delious delight of a blog.  Who can resist a blog filled with pictures of morons with signs!?  I dare you.

Right or left, this site does not discriminate.  Pro-choice, pro-God, pro-constitution... well, you get the idea.  Morons come in all flavors, shapes & sizes.  They also have different religions and violently opposing political views.  Morons with Signs celebrates them all. 

Like the blog's creator, we believe dissent is the highest form of patriotism.  It's also an opportunity for michevious imps to sneak in with their own signage in disagreement with the morons with signs.  You'll often notice this in the pictures offered here.  That is why this site can be so incredibly satisfying. 

I love America!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Stop Making that Duckface!!

Taken from Stop Making that Duckface!you know that face you make when you're about to take that perfect shot of yourself for myspace?  you know, the one where you push your mouth out in that weird combination of a pout and a kissy face make it look like you've got big pouty lips and model-quality cheekbones?  It's called "duckface".  

Who started this trend anyway?  Obviously, no one attractive. They should be shot. You should not make this face when you take pictures.  It's just not flattering to anyone.  It looks pretty damned stupid.  We know you would never do this.  Never.  Well, except maybe that once, when you were making fun of people who do this!  That's right, it was just to show how stupid it was!

Yeah.  But we all do know people who do this.  This site is dedicated to them.  Visit it.  Share it.  Perhaps sometime in the distant future, it will be the only record of these awful faces.  Except for, you know, the bizzillion pictures of them all on myspace.  And facebook.  And forums and computers and stuff.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Plush Sushi at Think Geek

Because sushi is just so associated with a diverse Thanksgiving, here ya go.  Think Geek is offering these cute sushi plushies for $9.99 each.  Tuna, Salmon Roe, Shrimp, Wasabi & Ginger.  I don't know if children will be so thrilled with these things but lots of corporate types will love them, I just know it. 

Think Geek offers a whole assortment of techo, geeky, wonderous stuff.  Gadgets, collectibles, toys for your cube - you can find it here.  They also have infectiously creepy microbe plushies too.  I couldn't find a 'swine flu' one, but I'm sure they're in production somewhere!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sticker Frames from Land of Nod

Land of Nod is currently offering these awesome sticker frames for $24.95.  It's a set of 8 and we think they're just nifty.  Frame juniors art (or your own) right on the wall without nail holes that annoy the landlord (or dad), they're reusable and they won't damage tile. 

Land of Nod also offers other stickers too, awsome guitars and trees and brightly colored animals and flowers, along with lots of other nice stuffs like furniture and bedding for the younger crowd.  And they give you knock-knock joke on every product page too, which is added fun!  But we love these fabulous sticker frames!  And Christmas is coming.... *hint*

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

Lolcats is the site that made tawkin lik dis speshul.  The site is fueled by readers (that's YOU!) offering their pictures for capshun (caption).  You can make your own Lolcat graphic to share, slap your own words on someone elses kitty via a button on each post, or just visit to view the nifty offerings.  Basement cat is famous now!

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures - I can Has is only one of the super successful and funny cheezburger network offerings. They did it first and they do it best.  Be sure to check out the tabs up top to see the other hilarious sites.

We'll be adding more of their sites here as time goes on!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Etiquette Hell

Do you remember your Mother badgering you to 'mind your manners'!?  Etiquette Hell is a gloriously snooty site that catalogs all the disgusting results of most of those lessons going unheeded (poor Mom).  Special categories abound at Etiquette Hell (because we're all just heathens!) and you can expect hours and hours of entertainment or horror - depending on which side of the fence you are on.  Bridezillas and their Mothers are here, as well as all the embarrassing branches of any family you could think of.  Rude coworkers, merchants from retail hell, funeral faux-pas, dating disasters and road rage are all included at EH.

Do share Etiquette Hell with your Mama and let her bask in her righteousness!  It'll keep her busy, while you are off doing God knows what with God knows whom, just like she always feared!

Beware should you write the mistress of this site.  She will expect proper grammar!

FML: The Guts to Spill the Beans

“Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.” - Drew Carey is a weird and wonderful addition to the web.  They say so themselves.  Fortunately for them, this happens to be true.  Using stories (submitted by readers - thats YOU) that all begin with 'Today' and end with 'FML'.  If you don't know what FML stands for already, then this site is not for you.  There are no glittery graphics, no sparkly do-dads for your entertainment... sorry.  They don't even have a shiny logo. If you can read and have just a tiny smidget of wit though, you will love this site, I promise.

FML offers tops & flops lists too, especially entertaining reading if you haven't been there before and strangely comforting for those of us looking to share the various stories.  You also get the thrill of deciding if the story teller deserved his fate and confirm that yes, his life is total shit.

If nothing else, you should visit FML cause almost everyone else already has.  A bit out of the loop, are you?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ugliest Tattoos: A Gallery of Regrets was the site we went to when our oldest spawn started getting ink, hoping it would discourage her.  It did not help.  But it did make us realize the small tats she has should not concern us, considering what others out there do to themselves.  Here is a little unsolicited advice: Pretty, small and easily hidden are rules one should stick to when getting ink, at least until you are over 25.  Unless you work for the circus.  Trust us.

These days we go to Ugliest Tattoos just to amuse ourselves and feel superior. We've seen lots and lots of *really beautiful* tattoos.  We know there are artists out there and canvasses that are stunning.  This site is not that.  Really, what the hell are these people thinking?  My God, we're going to be needing medication just to keep us from freaking the hell out in the nursing home with these walking, distorted billboards of distaste. We must ask why?  Why!? 

Visit Ugliest Tattoos: A Gallery of Regrets and feel superior.  We do!

This is Why You're Fat!

This is Why You're Fat is a site dedicated to gastronomic excess!  A feast for the eyes, just looking at this site is going to raise your cholesterol levels.  Who knew that there were people out there looking for a way to increase your fat & calorie intake!  Deep fried, chocolate covered, bacony goodness abounds here.  This is Why You're Fat does not discriminate - all manner of gluttony is welcome.  Do people really eat this stuff?  It appears so! You are invited to submit your own photos of why you are fat meals.  They've even collected enough for a book!

From Duck Foie Gras to Breakfast Sushi to Deep Fried Pork Rinds (really?!) to Deep Fried Moon Pies on a stick, you are bound to find something that makes you say "Hmmm... I just might have to try that!"  Warning:  Do not visit here if you are even a littttle bit hungry.  I'm just sayin.

Friday, November 13, 2009

It Made My Day

It Made My Day is yet another blog that gives readers an opportunity to share - in this case, those little moments in life that you think to yourself:  It Made My Day! and you just have to share.  You know - that insane SUV that kept cutting you off as you drove along the highway and while you resisted the urge to slam your crappy old Nova into their crash-resistant bumpers, you were *thrilled* to see them get pulled over by the State Police?  Yeah, thats a 'It made my day' moment.

Of course, cute kids saying even cuter things make the page often as well.  Go look!  Right now!!  Make my day!! (HA!  I crack myself up!)

Crazy Things Parents Say

Crazy Things Parents Say is another blog dedicated to sharing with the world.  In this case, you share those Crazy Things Parents Say!  We all have those moments - when your Ma is carrying on and your Dad is threatening military school and you think OH!  I must post this at that Crazy things parents say blog, because no one would ever believe MY parents are in any way amusing, or this freakin' crazy....  Or something like that.

When you get older and become parents yourself - well, this may not seem like such an amusing blog anymore, heh.  For now, this site is damned amusing!  I bet my mother would enjoy it.  Or not.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Daily Squee!!

Daily Squee is another blog full of 'Awww' (we see a trend here).  This blog is dedicated to sharing adorable pictures (taken by readers) that make you go 'Squeeeee!' cause they are just so.darned.cute.  Who can resist the warm, fuzzy feelings that looking at pictures of baby animals induces?  This site is fun to visit and the pics don't seem to be dwindling at all.  Lots of people out there are hunting for that perfect Daily Squee shot!  Don't be left out!

Zoo Borns

Time for a little 'Awwww' here!  Zoo Borns is a lovely little blog of the cute!  Baby animals everywhere, pages and pages of 'em.  Whenever we need a little pick-me-up to bring cheer to our otherwise dreary day, we go visit the Zoo Borns.  You should bookmark this site.  The photography is great and who can help but feel all soft & squishy, looking at baby animals?  Zoo Borns is full of win.  Yep yep!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

My First Dictionary

My First Dictionary is a blog dedicated to educating the millions of people on this planet that are well, not educated.  Using easy-to-understand pictures, words are brought to life and suddenly clear meaning.  English class was never like this!


Ross Horsely is the timid librarian by day, slasher-flick fan by night that writes My First Dictionary.  Do drop by and learn something, why don't you?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Awkward Family Photos

Awkward Family Photos is a website showing some of the most bizarre family photographs you will ever see!  Its a young site but growing by pages everyday.  Pictures are submitted from from all over the world.  AFP is always good for a giggle or two and has a soothing way of making your family seem not quite so crazy.   Unless, of course, you find photos or worse, a picture of yourself!  Gee... thanks Grampa!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Electronic Drum Kit SHIRT! offers this really cool T-shirt that has a set of drums right on your chest!  Hit the drums on this shirt with your finger and the beats play out through the included speaker.  Lots cheaper than a real drum set and it has the added benefit of being oh-so-portable!  This tee would definately liven up a party! also offers a guitar version t-shirt as well, the notes play out on a teeny tiny amplifer that hangs from your belt.  So cool!  We love lots of stuff on this site.

Internet Archive Wayback Machine

The Internet Archive was founded back in 1996 to build an internet 'library' of digital media. There are over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago.  What this means is, you go on over to their site Internet Archive: Wayback Machine, you type in a net address (such as, hit the 'take me back' button and you get a list of all the previous pages stored at the internet archive, by date, by month, by year! 

You can see what pages looked like when the first started and the progessive changes, year to year, for any site (exclusions apply; see the faqs for details). One of the faqs suggest checking out 1999 pages and all the Y2K hype that was out there then.  It's really rather amazing! 

Web crawlers make this page possible.  Isn't technology grand?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

People of Walmart!

The 'People of Walmart' site is not nice.  It's not supposed to be.  They make fun of others and we all know our mother would not approve.  But.... it is funny!  It'll make you feel less self-conscious the next time you run in 'just for milk' even though your hair is ratty and the sweats you're wearing haven't been washed this week....

'People of Walmart' is a 'make fun of all the strange people who shop at Walmart' kinda site.  It will not help us find world peace or a solution to global warming.  But it is a good way to kill time while you're waiting on the boss to come back from lunch or while half-listening in on that next conference call.  People really do dress funny shopping at Walmart, don't they?  Let us know if you spot a relative in there.  New pics are posted daily!

Etsy.... and Regretsy

Have you seen the fabulousness that is Etsy yet? This site was opened as a showcase for handmade items and crafts.  Like Ebay, only better (at least when it comes to individual, handmade items).  If we had lots more money, we'd do all our Christmas shopping there!  Alas, we are poor.  But check the site out, it truly is a breathtaking and refreshing shopping experience.  You'll love it!

And... as all really good sites do, Etsy also has it's own 'make fun of Etsy' page, dedicated to highlighting the bizzare and unusual offerings you might miss if you aren't careful.  Regretsy links you to many of the oddest things I've ever seen.  Birthin' dolls, uterus pillows, keychain lady bits.... ummm, yeah.  Really.  You'll want to bookmark this one, as it is always updating with new and even stranger offerings.

Where to begin? Santa!

For our first link, let's thrill the kids, eh?  What thrills kids more than SANTA?!?  This nifty site gives us an up-to-the-second countdown till Christmas!!  (Its coming my friends, no matter how hard we try to deny it - it always comes!).

It's Santa's Official Christmas Countdown!  Santa has his blog here and there is a button that allows you or your child to email Santa directly!  How cool is that?  You can also take a peek at Santa's official naughty or nice list, pick up some Elf jokes, download cool coloring pages and more!

Click here to send *your* Christmas Wish to Santa Claus! Yes kids its true!  Jolly Saint Nick wants to hear about you!  From the North Pole Santa will send his reply... Faster than Rudolph the reindeer can fly!  Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Place for My Madness

We will be posting our favorite crazy crap here!  Products, websites and all sorts of fun stuff.  Tell your friends!

PRIVACY POLICY:  Lets get this out of the way right here.  We will NOT share your email address or any of your other personal information with anyone, for any reason, ever.  That's it - that's our policy!  Pretty easy, huh?

Got a question?  Please comment and let us know!